Here's a picture I finally processed from two weeks ago. It was taken in Vancouver, where I was for the NIPS conference. Vancouver's a great place, with superb food, especially East Asian. It rained a lot there, but mostly mild drizzle. Still, my umbrella was useful there. Speaking of which, I wonder in which part of Vancouver I left it, because it sure aint back with me in Chicago.

Yours Truly near downtown Vancouver. I just *had* to take a picture under a sign that says "Welcome to Vancouver, a nuclear-weapons-free zone".
This picture was taken by Alex Karatzoglou, another student at NIPS with a software demonstration who was staying at the Youth Hostel to cut costs. We had some great sushi here, both low-cost good-quantity hi-quantity, and medium-cost hi-quality lo-quantity. We also went cycling around Stanley Park, where it was soon clear that Alex was a far better cyclist than I was. Especially when I got a flat and had to return to the shop for a new cycle...

Yours Truly near downtown Vancouver. I just *had* to take a picture under a sign that says "Welcome to Vancouver, a nuclear-weapons-free zone".

This picture was taken by Alex Karatzoglou, another student at NIPS with a software demonstration who was staying at the Youth Hostel to cut costs. We had some great sushi here, both low-cost good-quantity hi-quantity, and medium-cost hi-quality lo-quantity. We also went cycling around Stanley Park, where it was soon clear that Alex was a far better cyclist than I was. Especially when I got a flat and had to return to the shop for a new cycle...
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