As pointless as a papal pe**s
That lovely quote comes from my #2 favorite comedian, Andy Hamilton a.k.a. Satan. (Sue Perkins will be keeping the #1 slot for the foreseeable future.)

I appear to have volunteered myself for organizing the new graduate student cake talk series. Oh dear. And arm-twisting students to give talks hasn't proved too successful so far. On the other hand, we do have a speaker for the first week - and boy, is he good! In fact, he won't be just speaking - he'll be giving a whole show! Dunno how many cs grad students have juggled for a living before going to grad school, but TTI's got one of them, and he's giving tomorrow's talk.
Please welcome (drumroll), Mr Jake(ster) Abernathy!! [link]
Wane, bless her, volunteered to make kolackies. Life is good - at least this week. Yay! She and LC and I spent a pleasant hour or so (pr'ly mo) chatting about ... mousetraps. Yes, mousetraps were mentioned, can't remember why. And zebras. And fireplaces, and how they existed in Zimbabwe even though the temperature never went below freezing. And rules of American football (I couldn't figure out why there had to be only one quarterback) and rugby (Wane didnt know you weren't allowed to pass the ball forwards there) and soccer (LC said the circle in the middle only had one rule, at kickoff) and Australian football (two rules: 1 - it begins, 2 - it ends).

What else? Oh yeah, on the python-alligator battle reported last year. The moral of that story being "Don't bite off more than you can chew" (my staid description) or "Don't bite off anything that can chew through you" (Wane's far more picturesque version).
Anyway, after that I went back to writing the Ndaona paper - trying to edit five pages down to four. After five hours, I'm pretty close to there... and now I'm wondering if it's worth submitting to another conference where papers can be longer. Maybe I can do both, if I spin it differently enough.

Oh, and I talked with Gnaw about her thesis, and produced some Praat screenshots of Mandarin tone recognition problems, like the one above. I need some for my thesis too, as well.

I appear to have volunteered myself for organizing the new graduate student cake talk series. Oh dear. And arm-twisting students to give talks hasn't proved too successful so far. On the other hand, we do have a speaker for the first week - and boy, is he good! In fact, he won't be just speaking - he'll be giving a whole show! Dunno how many cs grad students have juggled for a living before going to grad school, but TTI's got one of them, and he's giving tomorrow's talk.
Please welcome (drumroll), Mr Jake(ster) Abernathy!! [link]
Wane, bless her, volunteered to make kolackies. Life is good - at least this week. Yay! She and LC and I spent a pleasant hour or so (pr'ly mo) chatting about ... mousetraps. Yes, mousetraps were mentioned, can't remember why. And zebras. And fireplaces, and how they existed in Zimbabwe even though the temperature never went below freezing. And rules of American football (I couldn't figure out why there had to be only one quarterback) and rugby (Wane didnt know you weren't allowed to pass the ball forwards there) and soccer (LC said the circle in the middle only had one rule, at kickoff) and Australian football (two rules: 1 - it begins, 2 - it ends).

What else? Oh yeah, on the python-alligator battle reported last year. The moral of that story being "Don't bite off more than you can chew" (my staid description) or "Don't bite off anything that can chew through you" (Wane's far more picturesque version).
Anyway, after that I went back to writing the Ndaona paper - trying to edit five pages down to four. After five hours, I'm pretty close to there... and now I'm wondering if it's worth submitting to another conference where papers can be longer. Maybe I can do both, if I spin it differently enough.

Oh, and I talked with Gnaw about her thesis, and produced some Praat screenshots of Mandarin tone recognition problems, like the one above. I need some for my thesis too, as well.
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