I've not managed to get HMSVM working using SVMStruct yet. Drat. You'd think I'd be further along by now but noooo... I had to work on
Ndaona (more whining about this in a moment) and the stereo SDSS movie for Adler. The stereo movie, which we've been working on for ages, might be shown at the big Schramm event in a couple of weeks. It would be ironic if a bunch of dignitaries, including a couple of billionaire and the University president, get to watch stuff made by an amateur rookie who has to borrow money to eat, but... oh wait a minute, it's not a maybe. They are going to see stuff I helped make - certainly on the dome (thanks,
SkySkan) even if not in stereo. Mostly
SDSS and
cosmic ray shower stuff.
I wonder if I'll bother going and seeing that myself... my time would be better spent learning ... learning what? I can't learn. I'm morally incapable of learning. It's not just birds that fly into glass windows again and again and again... I even put the glass there myself so I can fly into it. At the moment, it looks quite likely that I'll miss it, even if there is food. What's in it for me?
Slowly adding a chapter now and again to my
HP fanfic. It's nice to write again, to have to think about plots and how to write the perfect sentence, and all that good stuff.
GR & I have been learning the innards of computers - we cannibalized an internal CD player from an old machine whose hard drive was kaput to the new old machine I bought from Mat last month. We also moved the ethernet card, but now I'm not sure we moved the right thing.
I've been placing some of our old movies on
Google Video. Some are crappier than other. I'm going to have to make a bunch of new ones ... about my stuff.

Just heard that a friend I thought I had lost (through my own unreliability, not his) still wants to be friends. Who am I to deserve such good friends as him?
Since I moved offices from the dungeon to the cubicles, I have been much happier, and felt much more connected to the other cs grad students. Pity I did it so late, but I'm glad I did it. IM and VS and I have a great ML reading group - our last meeting (admittedly one of our better ones) lasted three hours. IM is like Hermione, reading stuff and following details, and bring them up. Like Gibbs sampling. That was a really good one. She brought that up in our other reading group with GL - and I brought the wrong paper to class. (A good wrong paper, though, fortunately.)
Made half the stereo movie today. It had been rendering over Thanksgiving. I haven't seen a high res version of it yet;
VirtualDub was still composing the rendered images into a movie when I left. Meanwhile, the left eye version (which is a corrected version of the left eye version I made over the weekend instead of trying to meet a conference deadline which I eventually failed to meet) is being rendered out now. Just checked... 866 out of 5000 frames generated. It's going at about one a minute now, so by the time I get back to school tomorrow, it should have got to 1500. Aargh, that's slow. I could restart it again - there's some memory leak or something in
Partiview (our renderer) that makes it slow down after a while.
Got some free food out of RL - that was nice. Now I just hope he put my application for a small stipend increase in...