Snow falls, gloves gone
Network's been up the last two days. Yay.
I understand Gibbs sampling better now.
HMSVM works, but I hope there's still a subtle bug in my implementation of it as it should be doing better.
It snowed buckets in Chicago today.

ZX (!= XZ) told me it took him three hours to drive to Midway. This normally takes 30 minutes. Speaking of which, a plane trying to land there landed on the street next door. It had skidded off the runway. Last I heard, a six year old had been killed.
Chicago Tribune link
Moving on...
Helped Mark sort out stuff for the Schramm show tomorrow.
Was reminded at 11pm about one change we should have made earlier - sorting the speck files by picture typed. Fixed this in an hour. The hour began at 3am. (The intervening 4 hours were spent on... other activities.)
(Potboiler practice: It seems to take about 90 minutes to write 1000 words.)
Finally made that Indonesian stew stuff that Brna gave me. Failed to notice that it the packet had four servings. Thought it had one. I don't think it was meant to taste as spicy as it did. Brna will have a good laugh. Nat will shake her head and ask me to sign legal documents promising never to cook for her. I will reply that I still finished the entire lot.
Read one of YX's students papers with YX on quantifying the tone target approximation model. Nice, but I need more equations. (I wouldn't need them if I understood signal processing, but seeing as I don't, I need them.) He's in town, so hopefully we'll meet up soon.
My two days of getting up in the morning appear to have been just that. Two days. It's the third day, and nearing 5am, and I've not gone to bed yet. Sheise.
Oh, and this is a good one - I had my gloves nicked by a winner of one of the following prizes (a) Pullitzer (b) Nobel (c) IgNobel (d) Congressional Medal of Freedom (You know, that thing Tenet got). I can't say which one because if I did, some readers of this blog might figure out who I'm referring to. Let's just say that (1) I saw him take them while I was making tea in the ... but didn't want to comment as it was too good a story to pass up the opportunity of retelling three million times, and (2) He didn't know he was taking them - he must have thought they were his (in which case I ought to go nick his gloves), and (3) He's very nice.
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have said (3). Some readers might already guess who I'm talking about.
I understand Gibbs sampling better now.
HMSVM works, but I hope there's still a subtle bug in my implementation of it as it should be doing better.
It snowed buckets in Chicago today.

ZX (!= XZ) told me it took him three hours to drive to Midway. This normally takes 30 minutes. Speaking of which, a plane trying to land there landed on the street next door. It had skidded off the runway. Last I heard, a six year old had been killed.
Chicago Tribune link
Moving on...
Helped Mark sort out stuff for the Schramm show tomorrow.
Was reminded at 11pm about one change we should have made earlier - sorting the speck files by picture typed. Fixed this in an hour. The hour began at 3am. (The intervening 4 hours were spent on... other activities.)
(Potboiler practice: It seems to take about 90 minutes to write 1000 words.)
Finally made that Indonesian stew stuff that Brna gave me. Failed to notice that it the packet had four servings. Thought it had one. I don't think it was meant to taste as spicy as it did. Brna will have a good laugh. Nat will shake her head and ask me to sign legal documents promising never to cook for her. I will reply that I still finished the entire lot.
Read one of YX's students papers with YX on quantifying the tone target approximation model. Nice, but I need more equations. (I wouldn't need them if I understood signal processing, but seeing as I don't, I need them.) He's in town, so hopefully we'll meet up soon.
My two days of getting up in the morning appear to have been just that. Two days. It's the third day, and nearing 5am, and I've not gone to bed yet. Sheise.
Oh, and this is a good one - I had my gloves nicked by a winner of one of the following prizes (a) Pullitzer (b) Nobel (c) IgNobel (d) Congressional Medal of Freedom (You know, that thing Tenet got). I can't say which one because if I did, some readers of this blog might figure out who I'm referring to. Let's just say that (1) I saw him take them while I was making tea in the ... but didn't want to comment as it was too good a story to pass up the opportunity of retelling three million times, and (2) He didn't know he was taking them - he must have thought they were his (in which case I ought to go nick his gloves), and (3) He's very nice.
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have said (3). Some readers might already guess who I'm talking about.
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